Local Shops
Faro City And Shopping
This a list of business that will show you were to get your supplies and boat parts
This is an interactive map so try moving it and zooming in.
Faro main Post Office
This is where you can pick up your parcels or just send mail.
Repsol Gas
He delivers to the boat yard and gives you a free regulator
Basílio Tel (00351) 289 832999
MLG Inox, Lda. All Stainless Steel & Fittings.
Very Good prices and a very good range of fitting, including nut and bolts, screws, sheet stainless and piping plus cutting and bending.
Sítio dos Caliços, cx. postal 802-Z
8005-428 Conceição de Faro
Tel (00351) 289 832 832
Gonçalves-máquinas E Ferramentas Lda
Welding supplies they have everything from rods to gas Tel: 289 822 722
Paint suppliers
They sell a wide variety of paints including International
DYP – VHC – Tintas. 46-48 Rua Ataíde de Oliveira Faro. Tel +351289822694
Sergio Roque Hardware
A very good hardware store carries everything from tools to nuts and bolts. They also have nuts and bolts in stainless steel, polyester and epoxy resins, anti-fouling (Nautix and International), top coat, if necessary derivative of the volume of material we deliver in navepegos.
Largo Dr. Francisco sá carneiro,nº 31 faro
Tel – (00351) 289 870 470
Shipping company and transport from UK
Algarve Removals LDA. Alcantarilha Gare. Sitio Do Malhao, Alcantarilha – 8356 Algarve Portugal Tel: 00351 289 513 851 or UK Tel: 01245 468 888
While retaining the peace and tranquility of Bruce’s yard , the bustling ancient and modern city of Faro can be explored on foot within five or ten minuets of leaving the yard. The old part of Faro dates back to pre. Roman times. The city abounds with bars and restaurants, and prices vary from tourist prices to local Portuguese prices , find where the locals have lunch. There are two very good restaurants within ten minutes walking distance from the yard. For a good cheap evening meal, turn left out of the yard and five to ten minuets walk to Pingo Doce supermarket where you can pick your fresh fish or steak and watched it being cooked. Along with the side dishes of potatoes, chips and salads, a large glass of red wine all for the price of less than 5 or 6 euros
Large Shopping centre of faro. Jumbo
5 minutes walk from the boatyard not only the largest food super market in faro; there is a nice restaurant area up stairs with an array of designer type shops. Also a cinema upstairs that has English films.
Forum Algarve, Loja 1.22, E.N. 125, Faro, 8000